PROOF that the Gods and Goddesses want me to love trannies and to have my favorite TGGF's back:
6pm Mon. June 13 (2011)--Moon conjunct my natal Sun 28 deg's SCO--
I accidently pricked my left middle finger. This is the second Gibbous Moon that I cut a finger just before burning magick candles. It turns out on Tues. that my left middle finger is usually my anointing finger. I wiped my hot passion-blood on a small piece of paper and wrote my lovers' full names on it.
11:50am Tues. June 14--Preparing and carving a red-passion and orange-prosperity candles I discovered that my red candle has a loose wick that allows you to take it out and wrap it in small passion-blood-soaked bits of paper where you've inscribed your tranny-loves' names
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