Monday, June 27, 2011

I just met...

David Ragsdale--violinist for Kansas--on the train home. We talked about Ned Steinberger equipment.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Plus ca change...alas-alack, and also lack-a-day

Y'know what's so weird? I've only been into TG's (MtoF's) since 2004. I was GG-chasing strictly straight before that. But from the first transitioning TG that I met in 2004 until now, my feelings--ESPECIALLY Skorpionic jealousy--have been every bit as intense as the way I felt about girls in *JR* high! I'm polyamorous, especially about GG's, and I haven't felt this much heartache and jealousy in over 10 years. I really thought I was past this!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Same thing we do every night

Every night my closing manager tells his fully adult staff to "go straight home." And I do! 

I go change into my wig, my thong, and my studded black leather trench coat. Then I wait for my tranny-girlfriends to come pick me up to go out sex-clubbing 'til 4am.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"Wel-kumm to new times" (apologies to Chris Flynn/Art In America)

This afternoon (3:30p edt) I helped a lady (GG) at the bookstore find a T-shirt size (clothing is not my regular department). She looked so much like my favorite tranny-girlfriend on Facebook. With a touch of makeup and a stylish wardrobe she could almost be as pretty.

So it's come to me comparing GG's to my favorite TG's! Progress, I say.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

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Visit PINKessence


PROOF that the Gods and Goddesses want me to love trannies and to have my favorite TGGF's back:

6pm Mon. June 13 (2011)--Moon conjunct my natal Sun 28 deg's SCO--
I accidently pricked my left middle finger. This is the second Gibbous Moon that I cut a finger just before burning  magick candles. It turns out on Tues. that my left middle finger is usually my anointing finger. I wiped my hot passion-blood on a small piece of paper and wrote my lovers' full names on it.

11:50am Tues. June 14--Preparing and carving a red-passion and orange-prosperity candles I discovered that my red candle has a loose wick that allows you to take it out and wrap it in small passion-blood-soaked bits of paper where you've inscribed your tranny-loves' names

Penis Envy Lives

I've discovered what Penis Envy--Freud's concept--really is, and what it implies. And that it is true.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Just got finished playing The Kinks' "Lola" with a whole new appreciation. Followed by the amazingly appropriate "It's My Life" by Billy Joel. For those who remember the early '80's.